5 Baby Products You Don't Need
5 Baby Products You Don't Need
1. Baby Food Processors
Anything marketed in a “baby” version will likely find itself sitting up the very back of your storage cupboards. A baby processor is one of those things.
Having time to make your own baby food is not only rewarding but comes with a plethora of advantages. Not only do you get the benefit of knowing what is in the food you’re feeding your baby, but it’s also more nutritious, saves money and allows you to include a variety of foods and herbs that can help curb fussy eating habits down the road.

What you do not need however is a specialzed baby food processor to create your culinary blends. Anything from a food processor, blender, stick blender, or even a fork on soft steamed veg can achieve the same results although if using nuts, seeds or grains would recommend a food processor to ensure those little pieces are ground up well to avoid baby eating hazards.
2. Baby Walker
We know how exciting it is watching your baby stand up and take their first steps but what may appear as a useful product to encourage walking can have a negative impact on your baby’s development.
All babies meet milestones at their own pace and introducing walkers before they are ready to stand upright by themselves can put pressure on their developing hips and spine.

Baby walkers can also present as hidden hazards. An estimated 230,676 children under 15 months old were treated for infant walker–related injuries in US emergency departments from 1990 to 2014. Most of the children sustained head or neck injuries and 74.1% of those were injured by falling down the stairs in a baby walker. All baby walkers must now comply with the ASTM infant walker standards and additional requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008.
If you are looking to use a walker that meets safety standards ensure access to staircases, steps, kitchens and fireplaces are blocked with quality child safety barriers such as the Perma hardware mounted baby gates. They should also always be in reach of an adult who can prevent them accessing hazardous areas.
3. Crib Bedding Sets
While it’s tempting to want to make your baby’s nursery an Insta-worthy space with all these gorgeous bedding items, it can potentially do more harm than good. Adding fancy soft sheets, pillows, and bumpers can all pose suffocation hazards to your little one.

So, what do you need? All you really need is a firm mattress with a waterproof cover to protect the mattress from diaper explosions, bed bugs, dust mites, indoor allergens, and a fitted crib sheet that will protect the mattress and enhance your baby’s sleep. It is important to ensure the fitted sheet secures tightly around the mattress and doesn’t come undone while the baby is in bed causing a potential safety risk.
To keep your baby warm during the night without hazards, simply place your baby is a safe sleeping suit or thin swaddle to avoid overheating. By simulating the tightness and pressure of a womb, swaddling prolongs babies’ rest and improves neuromuscular development.
4. Disposable Water Diapers
Not many people realise that swim diapers are designed to only withstand water and contain solids, not to absorb fluid at all. This is the main reason why swim nappies don’t swell up and expand like a standard disposable diaper…this also means however any pee will simply pass through and head straight into the water.

Reusable swim diapers are a much better option not only because it is cheaper and less wasteful, but they can also actually absorb fluid AND contain solids. With many brands now available on the market you’ll find a variety of fun and vibrant styles for your baby.
5. Special Baby Detergents
Many parents are under the impression that a specific baby detergent is best when cleaning their little one’s clothes. Unless your baby is prone to sensitivities, skin allergies or skin conditions such as eczema, washing baby clothing with your regular family detergent isn't likely to irritate your baby's skin.

There are “clean” detergents available if preferred that do contain more natural ingredients that can be used by the entire family but as with all household cleaning products, ensure even the natural products are kept safe away from prying hands with cabinets secured by child safety latches.